Adi Sappir
cellist vocalist

“Adi Sappir has created a deep and beautiful tapestry of sounds that wakes up our minds”.
Juan Carlos Romero, Nau Nua Arts Magazine
"Adi has a wonderful voice - sweet and sad like the cello she plays"
Adi Sappir, an acclaimed Melbourne based cellist and vocalist delivers a musical fusion of East meets West. As an Israeli-Australian living in Melbourne, Adi composes lyrical stories reflecting her cultural background and personal experience. Her unique compositions are rich and intimate in tone. By combining her music with different art forms, along with the influence of her Hebrew heritage, Adi composes a mosaic of melodies as an echo of society itself.
Her solo albums, Insomnia (2012) and Under the Clocks (2003) showcase Adi’s passion for creating a multidimensional experience through her music. Adi also performs in her long-term band, The Mercurials, with bandmates Mark Ferrie (Rockwiz, SBS) and Aria Award winning guitarist, Andrew Pendlebury. Their self-titled album is one of several albums the trio has released in over a decade of working together.
In recent years Adi has collaborated with various musicians and artists on a number of projects. Highlights include Adi’s music for The Play of Sound (2015) at the Jewish Writers and Glen Eira Storytelling Festivals. Adi also performed for the theatre play, Eleanor and Mary Alice (2014) at Heide Museum of Modern Art in Victoria. Adding to this is Adi’s video project, Between Sound and Space (2013-2014), that took place in various art galleries across Melbourne.
As an undercurrent in all her projects, Adi continues to compose music in Hebrew and her adopted English language, creating the nostalgic and unique tones she is renowned for.